Hey, everyone! It's mid-term week!... if you could call these mid-terms... anyways, I have no homework, so hear what my classmates have t' say.
Jack: Our school is boss mannnnnnnnnn.
Nelson: YEOOOO hows everytang been school was sick this week!
Tiffany: HEY BIOTCHESSSS! its tiffany and lane loves me...its true....k im bored. <33
CW: Um... sure... moving along.
Alli: laneikins is the sexiest beast aliveee. & he never showed up to mine & tiffany's cardboard box!!! he's a piiiiiimppp bitchh!
CW: (slaps forehead) Well, Maybe this wasn't the best idea ever... KK, last person.
Taylor: Hey it's Taylor! I'm in class and really bored doo yehh, Lane is soo cool! Umm yeh i like shopping for shoes. hahahah yehh bye <33
CW: um... yeah, sure. That's the whole gang. Um... yeah. That's all. Um... I'm gonna go visit Ice Block in the freezer. XD
-_- Don't ask.