Hiya, guys. I made this poem for english class when my friend asked what the Clock Crew was. Enjoy and comment, please.
The Clock Crew and Me
The portal, Clocktopia, and Newgrounds, too.
We are the Clock Crew, here to welcome you.
There's Rupee and aListers and SBC
There's Ice Block and Saltshaker and Sparkwatt and me!
I am ClockWannabe, the 57th member.
I actually joined in 2007's September.
The whole CC is odd, however. I must admit.
We worship the letter B and sometimes we hit.
We barely have enemies, for our numbers are greater.
But there are some who oppose us. (I'll tell you later)
They are the dastardly Lock Legion.
They annoy us and blam us most every season.
Blamming, as you probably don't know,
is when you vote zero on a flash video.
To vote on a video, you must be online.
You click on 'Vote 5', you get a save point and you'll be fine.
Saves are the same as blams in a few ways,
only you keep the vid. online, instead of taking it away.
These are the basics of Newgrounds, I hope you sign up.
Please become a Clock, 'cause there's an opening for a clock cup.
dude if you said that infront of your class... and had proof.... you could get the harmony award on .cc
what's that?