I just bought the Futurama movie 'Bender's Big Score' (by JUST, I mean I got it last week and I just remembered to tell you guys), and I learned something interesting. If you yell at the top of your lungs
00110100100101010101001010101010101010 10101010010101010101010101001010010110 10100100101010101010010101010101001010 10101010101010101010101010101010101010 110
in under 5 seconds, you get a large green time portal and get to go into the past, although, you can't go back into the future. Also, a time-created duplicate of an object will end up in an area called 'The Doom Field', which will not create a paradox, but doom the time-created duplicate. For instance: If Ice Block went back in time two days, then the Ice Block from two days ago would be doomed, yet at the exact same time, the Ice Block from the future would not age at all until it has been 2 days, and age at the exact speed as normal. Otherwise, if the current Clock Crew went back in time to the Old Clock Crew, all of the duplicated members would all spontainiously combust, as would the Old Clock Crew entirely. Speaking of Futurama, I was inspird by Proffesser Fernsworth's idea for a different invention: The Death Clock. Using it, I can tell exactly when people will die! (I call aListers' CDs.)
p.s., Saltshaker, yes I am Vectorman999 on deviantart.