I'm just posting this 'cause I'm bored. Here's a cool thing I learnd: if you can't find enough videos to blam/vote 5 on in time for your next level-up, you could either blam lock videos and anti-clock crew vids, OR you could use the pattented new
(commercial mode)
ClockWannabe brand blam-giver! Give yourself maximum EXP with Minimum effort! Here's the secret: you gotta vote on the exact same video once, then vote 5 on four more vids, then come back the next day and you can vote on them again. AND!!! Here's the best part: If you re-vote, then the video can still get it's regular blam/save points! AND!!! when you use ClockWannabe's technique, you also get this adorable ClockWannabe plushie which you get after using the technique 300,297,270 times. Then send in 30 frosted flakes box tops to me at [address withheld]. Then you get the plushie.
(/commercial mode)
now I'm gonna go before my mom tears me from this computer. I have a feeling that she'll shut down the computer so-