Hiya peoples. I'm on youtube! search for ned ted fred and click on Ned Ted Fred 1. For the second movie (and also the remaining 14 movies) we are actually going to add music. So, you lucky channel viewers will get the op. to sample the music betas from a random website. vote on the overall performance and if they should be kept as is. Thanks in advance!
Fred's theme (played while Fred just sits there and does nothing)
Ned's theme. (while doing nothing)
Ted's theme (you know when we play it)
Artemis' theme (anyone who guesses what goes here gets a cookie)
the song when we are not in jail
The old runaround (y'know... that old door thing)
The song we play when HE dies (he he he...)
my guess is you people have no clue who HE is. you all have to wait 'till NTF 7 anyways...
various attempts at escaping jail.
The fight sene. I'm not joking.
and finally,
NTF 15 opening and ending theme
Now, you Final Fantasy Maniacs (Final Fantasyacs?) will immediatly know that I got all of these songs from FFIV (4) and FFVII (7). You techno nerds will know this by looking at the web address. I realize that the backgrounds for the first movi were pretty cheap, but, heck, It actually used to be a cival war battlefield. Seriously. I am NOT kidding at ALL. and... well the rest of it was filmed in the basement of Artemis' house or in his living room. in a split second, you actually can see where Artemis was origianally supposed to be, (on a comfortable chair) but... he kinda fell asleep in it... so that idea was scrapped. and looking even closer, his 'sword' is really a lacrosse stick. Another joke I put on youtube, but seriously... no hard feelings, Doug. It really was a joke. It wasn't real at all. So... yeah. now to close with an awsome video!