well, stupid ol' computer ofminewill not allow me to dowload maplestory. I know, you're probably not upset at all, but I am. which is why below is a picture of how annoyed I am at this.
okay, not really. I was stuck on my 'annoyed' portrait, so... yeah. I have one, don't worry, I just thought this was funny. otherwise, I'm thinking of re-doing my banner to make it funnier. If there are any ideas, please post soon. otherwise, thank you and have a nice day.
someone else:
and now, here's a word from our sponsers.
some guy in a clock suit:
*ahem.* hello. I am (name withheld) and here to talk to you about stupidity. If you are stupid, do not attempt to have children, as they will most likely be stupider than you. thank you for your yime peoples. and yeyas, i do hayave a wyahf. *a-hyuck*
CW: get that guy off stage before his stupidity spreads as a contagious disease!
Some guy: will do.
(cane comes and grabs stupid guy)
CW: and that concludes todays post. My psyichic powers tell me that a response to this will be... 'WTF?!'
Hello. Check out my flash please! the solo project.
...Wow. I never thought I'd get a comment from you. You, an official Clock Crew member (unlike aListers, who is a clock, yet never mentions it in his name) otherwise, I did check your flashes... no solo project found. sorry. Actually, now that I think about it... theicecubeclock did post here once, too... meh, still. Your a nice guy. Thanks for posting.