Those stupid Kitty Krew members are trying to take over the Clock Crew's kingdom! (try sayin' that 3 times fast) Tom and Wade own Newgrounds, we run it, and the Kitty Krew thinks they can do both?! well, notany more! The Clock Crew will rule over the Kitty Krew! Clocks, we will fight valliently, kill locks and KK members, and we will rule this land of the internet. THIS, IS, NEWGROUNDS!!! (scattered cheering) (fangirl scream) Oh yeah, This means I'm with aListers and theicecubeclock on the Anti Kitty Krew. I just know, that sometime in the near future (like 40 so years) when Wade and Tom die, The Clocks will own and Rule Newgrounds like the kitties never could. 300 clocks, and 1000 kitties. The odds are Against us, but we will destroy them! Who's with me?! oh yeah, and i've got like 50 more of those clock faces.
m you didn't put my name up there, i was a sole survivng member, i was there when there were 3 members, i was number 4 and declared an honorary fighter, with kammy we're the muscle and charm of the group!!!!!!!!!!!
I apologize to those whose names were not included. aListers and theicecubeclock were just the first two names to come to mind when I wrote this. All the Anti Kitty Krew members are just too hard to count, so I just picked the first two I could think of. Sorry smicothegreat and anybody else who I didn't metion.