Sorry about that, folks. My computer is STILL dead, so I can't use that for a while. Also, I've been writing some fanfictions over the past couple of days, filming videos for youtube, making art for DeviantART and studying for finals. Only 5 weeks left of school! Then I'm gonna be at geek camp for a while (no, I don't know the actual name of it) so I will still be able to post, just a bit less often.
Simply put, my schedule is crammed. It's also my sister's birthday today, and I bought this new Indiana Jones book. my dad also beat me at Othello several times. What a day. And, of course, it's only nine o' clock (eastern time).
In other news, I've also just received an SNES emulator from my friend Doug, including Earthbound and Chrono Trigger. This cost me an additional six bucks.
There was also a yard sale in my development yesterday. I made a flat rate of $0.00 exactly. Not something to be too proud of, really.
Anyways, I need to eat breakfast. Good-bye for now!